How To Turn iPhone Off Silent Mode Without Switch

How To Turn iPhone Off Silent Mode Without Switch

When you’re in a meeting or on an important phone call, the last thing you want to do is fumble around with your phone to turn off its annoying ringtone. Luckily, there’s an even easier way to silence your iPhone without touching the switch. The answer lies in how you turn your iPhone on silent mode in the first place. If you want to silence your iPhone and you don’t plan on turning it back on for the foreseeable future, there are a few different ways that might help you out. You can read this article for more information about turning off silent mode on an iPhone if that’s what you need help with. Keep reading to discover more about how to turn your iPhone off silent mode without touching the switch.

How To Turn iPhone Off Silent Mode Without Switch?

Double-Check Your iPhone’s Ringer Switch Positioning

Before trying any of the tips below, double-check the ringer switch position on the side of your iPhone. You might also double-check the sound settings inside your iPhone’s Settings app. If your iPhone is on silent mode with the ringer switch on, none of the following tricks will work. You’ll need to turn off silent mode first by moving the ringer switch to the opposite position.

Using Siri to Turn Off Silent Mode on an iPhone

You can use Siri to turn off quiet mode on an iPhone 5, 5C, 5S, 6, 6 Plus, 6S, 6S Plus, SE, 7, or 7 Plus. Say “Turn off silent,” “Take me off silent,” or “Turn off quiet mode” to do so. This works for all kinds of alerts on iPhones: voicemail, calendar events, reminders, and more. You can also use Siri to put your iPhone on silent mode. Just say “Turn on silent” or “Turn on quiet mode” to do so. If your iPhone is on silent mode for some reason and you don’t know how to turn it off, you can also ask Siri to turn off silent mode. For example, you can say “Hey Siri, turn off silent mode” or “Hey Siri, take me off silent.” Siri can help you with this.

Using the Lock Screen Shortcut to Silence Your iPhone

The lock screen shortcut on the lock screen of your iPhone can also help you turn off quiet mode. Swipe right on the lock screen to bring up the camera interface. Then, tap the volume button on the side of your iPhone. The sound muted icon should appear. Your iPhone is now on silent mode with no ringtone. If you want to use the lock screen shortcut to put your iPhone on silent mode instead, tap the volume button while you’re on the lock screen. The volume muted icon should appear.

Force-Quitting and Shutting Down Your Apps

If you want to turn off quiet mode on your iPhone without using Siri or the lock screen shortcut, you can try force-quitting and shutting down your apps one at a time. Force-quitting an app on an iPhone forces it to close down and ends its process. This forces your iPhone to work harder and puts more strain on the battery life. You can force-quit apps by double-tapping the home button on the lock screen or within any app. Then, swipe up on the app you want to close. To shut down your iPhone, go to the Settings app. Tap “Battery,” then tap “Shut Down.” You’ll receive a warning about losing unsaved work. If you’re sure you don’t need the information, select “Shut Down” once more to turn off your iPhone.

Benefits Of Silent Mood In iPhone?

1. It helps to save battery power.

A silent mood helps you to save battery power and make your phone faster.

2. It protects your privacy.

It is better to keep the phone silent without any ringtone. So, you can control how much you want to share with others.

3. You can protect your phone from being stolen or broken by not setting it up with a pattern lock or a password.

Someone can easily lock their phone if they take it away and then put it back again in order to get into their own information or photos on the phone. This is why a silent mood is the best option for people who use their phones in public places like restaurants and bars or have children who might be tempted to play with them while they are out and about at school or during the day at home.

4. It makes you look cool.

People who have a silent mood on their phones look more attractive to people around them and make them feel more comfortable. So, it is better to get a silent mood on your phone.

5. It’s great for listening to music while you’re walking or at the gym.

You can hear the music without disturbing anyone around you, so you can enjoy the music without having to worry about being rude or annoying others with your loud music.

6. It’s great for social media addicts.

Most social media users spend most of their time looking at their phone screens and rarely put their phones down because they are addicted to it and they just can’t stop scrolling through their feeds or updating their statuses, so with a silent mood on your phone, it will be easy for you to keep up with all of your social media updates without bothering anyone else by being loud and obnoxious in public places like restaurants and bars, or walking down the street with headphones blasting out loud music from your phone speakers in order to catch the attention of everyone around you, but if you have a silent mood installed on your iPhone then no one would even notice that you are using your phone because no one would be able to hear anything from it unless they were very close to it but if someone did notice that then they wouldn’t know what was going on inside of it so overall a silent mood is definitely something that is worth getting especially if you want to be able to use your phone without being rude to others while you are out in public.

7. It’s great for driving.

You can listen to music, read texts, or even play games on your phone and not bother anyone else if you have a silent mood installed on it because no one would be able to hear what you were doing unless they were very close to it or if someone did notice that then they wouldn’t know what was going on inside of it so overall a silent mood is definitely something that is worth getting especially if you want to be able to use your phone without being rude to others while you are out in public.

8. It’s great for taking selfies or recording videos of yourself and others.

If you want to get a selfie or video of yourself or someone else that doesn’t make them feel uncomfortable because they are unaware that you are using your phone then with a silent mood installed on your iPhone then no one would ever know what was going on inside of it so overall a silent mood is definitely something that is worth getting especially if you want to be able to use your phone without being rude to others while you are out in public.

9. It’s great for listening to music and podcasts with your headphones.

If you have a silent mood installed on your iPhone then no one would ever know what was going on inside of it so overall a silent mood is definitely something that is worth getting especially if you want to be able to use your phone without being rude to others while you are out in public.

10. It’s great for sleeping or just relaxing with the sound off.

If you want to go to sleep at night and not bother anyone else if you have a silent mood installed on your iPhone then no one would ever know what was going on inside of it so overall a silent mood is definitely something that is worth getting especially if you want to be able to use your phone without being rude to others while you are out in public.


Silent mode is a handy feature, but it can be frustrating if you’re trying to take part in a meeting or a phone call and you can’t seem to turn it off. Thankfully, there are several ways to turn off silent mode, whether you’re using Siri, the lock screen shortcut, or one of the other tips in this article. You can also use these ways to put your iPhone on silent mode if you ever need to. To do this, just follow the steps above but swap the word “off” for “on” in each command.

Erik McKenzie
Erik is an expert in technology trends and writes tech tips on blogs. He has a passion for helping people understand new technologies and how they can be used to improve their lives.