How To Make Your iPhone Talk 

How To Make Your iPhone Talk 

When you are at home, at the office, or in any other common space that has a lot of people using electronics, you may find yourself with a smartphone that won’t talk to you because it is plugged into the wall. You can remedy this problem easily with an iPhone trick. If your phone is plugged into the wall and cannot hear you when you try to make a call or access the device in another way, there are several things you can do. The easiest and most convenient way to get around this problem is by learning how to make your iPhone talk when it is plugged in. This will allow you to avoid having to take out your charger every time so that your device can hear you again.

How To Make Your iPhone Talk When It Is Plugged In

  1. Make sure your iPhone is plugged into the wall, and then press and hold the Home button on the front of your device.
  2. You will see a little yellow icon in the top right side of your screen that says “Phone”. Tap this icon to make your device talk.
  3. When you tap this icon, it will say “Your iPhone is not connected to a charger” and will give you an option to turn your phone off or turn it on again. Tap “Turn off” on the bottom of this screen to make your phone go back into silence mode until it is plugged in again. This can be done by pressing and holding both power buttons at the same time for about five seconds until you see a blue light flash twice.
  4. If you don’t want to have to do this every time, try using an Apple lightning cable instead of a regular one whenever possible so that you can have access to all of your devices in one place without having to worry about charging them up every time they are being used. This way, you won’t have to take out your charger every time it is needed; instead, just plug it in like normal and let it charge when needed without having to worry about forgetting or misplacing it somewhere else later on down the line when you are out and about with friends or exploring new places around town with friends or family members who might not know how useful it is to have their own charger at the ready.

What To Do When Your iPhone Is Plugged In

Don’t use your iPhone when it is plugged in and not charging

This is the most important tip that you need to remember. If your iPhone is plugged in but not charging, do not use it. You will have to take out your charger every time you need to access it, which can be a hassle when you are out and about with friends or family members who might be using their own device at the same time. You can avoid this by going through the steps above whenever your phone is plugged in and not charging.

Do not leave your iPhone plugged into the wall while it is charging

When you are using your iPhone while it is plugged into a charger, make sure that there are no other devices connected to the charger at any given time so that there will be enough power left over for your phone to charge properly without having to worry about running out of power before your phone has been completely charged up again. This can be done by following steps 1 and 2 above as well as by unplugging all of the devices that are being used with a charger once they’ve been fully charged up so that there will be plenty of power left over for your device that it can charge up properly without having to worry about running out of power before its battery has been fully charged back up again.

Make sure that you plug in only one device at a time when using multiple devices with a single charger

If multiple devices are being used with a single charger, make sure that only one of them is being charged up at a time so that there will be enough power left over for all of the devices being used with the charger at the same time. Otherwise, you might run out of power before your device is fully charged up again, which can be a hassle when you are out and about with friends or family members who might not know about this useful tip.

Charge up your iPhone before going anywhere

You should always try to charge up your iPhone before you go anywhere because it will undoubtedly need to be charged up at least once while you are out and about. This way, you won’t have to worry about running out of power before your phone has been completely charged back up again; instead, just plug in when you get home or wherever else it is that you plan on charging up your phone so that it will be ready and waiting for use whenever needed.

Don’t charge up your iPhone when it is completely dead because this will only make the battery drain faster than usual

If your iPhone is completely dead, then you should not try to charge it up because doing so will only make the battery drain faster than usual, which can result in a shortened battery lifespan that might not last as long as it normally would have if you had just let the device’s battery die off naturally by letting it run out of power on its own once the charge on the battery had been used up. If you are desperate for your phone to be fully charged again and don’t want to wait for it to charge up after running out of power, then use steps 1 through 4 above whenever using your phone while plugged in but not charging in order to prevent unnecessary wear on both the device’s battery as well as its components.

How To Change Your Device’s Language Setting?

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Tap General.
  3. Tap Language & Region.
  4. Tap Add a language and follow the onscreen instructions to set up the new language that you want on your phone or tablet.
  5. To remove an added language, tap Language & Region again and select the language that you want to remove from your phone or tablet then tap Remove once again and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process of removing the added language from your device’s settings.


Plugging your iPhone into a power source can make it easier to use in some situations. However, when you need to access certain features but your phone is plugged in, it can be frustrating. Luckily, there are a few ways that you can make your phone respond when it is plugged in. When you know how to make your iPhone talk when it is plugged in, you can easily interact with your device without needing to unplug it.


Q: What are the best apps to use when you want to make your iPhone talk when it is plugged in?

A: There are a number of great apps that work well with your iPhone and can make it respond when it is plugged in. One of the best ones to use is the app called Phantom which allows you to control your iPhone’s volume, mute, and even answer an incoming call. Another great app for this purpose is one called Phone Control which allows you to do the same thing and more.

Q: What is the best way to make your iPhone talk when it is plugged in?

A: The best way to make your iPhone talk when it is plugged in is to use an app that you can download from the App Store. The app will allow you to control your iPhone and interact with it even when it is plugged into a power source.

Q: What are some other ways that I can make my iPhone talk when it is plugged in?

A: There are a number of other ways that you can make your phone respond when it is plugged in. One way that you might want to try out if you frequently have trouble getting through a call on your iPhone while its battery has died, or if you often find yourself having trouble hearing the person on the other end of the line, is to take advantage of the built-in mute button. A quick tap on this button will allow you to temporarily mute your phone so that only sound coming through the speakers of your device will be heard.

Erik McKenzie
Erik is an expert in technology trends and writes tech tips on blogs. He has a passion for helping people understand new technologies and how they can be used to improve their lives.