How To Get Rid Of Hollow Arrow On iPhone

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Others call it the empty speech bubble, while others simply refer to it as an arrow. Either way, you will see this symbol on your iPhone quite often. It is an indicator that there is some sort of action associated with a word in the message you have just read. In some cases, you may also see an empty speech bubble with no arrow next to it. This means that there is nothing further to understand from this word, indicating that the conversation has come to the end. It can be confusing and may seem like a small thing. But if you are one among many who are bothered by the hollow arrow on your iPhone, here is how you can get rid of it once and for all.

How To Get Rid Of Hollow Arrow On iPhone

‍1. Make sure the sentence you are reading is actually complete.

You will have to make sure that the sentence you are reading is not just a fragment, but that it is complete. This means that there is no more text after your iPhone has finished reading the text for you. If there was more text, it would be displayed in a hollow arrow with no words next to it. If this happens and you are still seeing an arrow, then you can get rid of it by following the steps below.

‍2. Tap on the word you want to get rid of.

To do this, tap on the word you want to get rid of. If there is a hollow arrow next to it, then it means that your iPhone has finished reading the sentence and is waiting for you to tap on it. When you tap on it, a prompt will pop up asking if you meant to remove the word altogether or just highlight the word. If you choose the latter option, then your iPhone will remove that word and move on to another one.

‍3. Tap on “Highlight”.

If you choose to get rid of all text from your iPhone through this method, then your iPhone will simply highlight all words in red and move on to another one without removing any of them. You can also choose “Remove” instead if you wish for your iPhone to remove all words from your messages at once without highlighting any of them in red. If there is more than one word in a sentence, then select “Remove” and all words will be removed at once instead of highlighting each individual word separately as above.

‍4. Tap on “Done”.

When you have finished using this method, then tap on “Done” to confirm that you have indeed gotten rid of the hollow arrow. Your iPhone will then move on to the next sentence and your conversation will continue without any more hollow arrows as a result of this process.

How To Change The Keyboard Setting For Getting Rid Of The Hollow Arrow?

  1. Tap on the “Settings” icon on your iPhone.
  2. Select the “General” tab.
  3. Tap on “Keyboard”.
  4. Select the option that says either “Show Keyboard” or “Hide Keyboard”. This will allow you to get rid of the hollow arrow if you wish to do so.

More Tips To Get Rid Of The Hollow Arrow On Iphone/Ipad

  1. If you want to get rid of the hollow arrow on iPhone/iPad, then you must delete this message.
  2. To do this, go to your iPhone’s main screen and tap on the “Message” icon. This will take you to your mailbox.
  3. Tap on a message that has a hollow arrow next to it and then tap on the “Delete” button in the bottom left corner of your iPhone’s screen once you have read what is written in that message. This will delete the message altogether from your iPhone and take away any other messages with hollow arrows as well, which is why it is important to delete all messages with such an arrow before proceeding further.

Why Does This Occur?

  1. The hollow arrow that appears on your iPhone or iPad is a message icon, which means that it is not an image but instead a symbol that represents a message.
  2. It appears when you are replying to a message on your iPhone or iPad and the person sending the message has sent you a reply.
  3. When this happens, your iPhone or iPad will display an empty text box with an arrow next to it. This means that the person who is replying to you has not finished their text and so they have left out one word in their reply, which is why there will be an arrow next to the text box with an empty space inside of it. Your iPhone will then use this empty space as the place where any blank spaces are removed from messages before they are shown on your screen. Any text in those spaces will be replaced with an arrow and sent to you as part of your reply, which is why any blank spaces are removed when you get rid of this hollow arrow by deleting messages containing them from your iPhone/iPad’s inboxes.
  4. If you are replying to a message and a person sends you a reply that has an arrow next to it, then the arrow will stay in your iPhone/iPad’s inbox until you delete the message. By deleting messages with hollow arrows, you will be able to get rid of this hollow arrow as well.


The hollow arrow symbolizes that there is an action associated with the word in the message. When you see the hollow arrow, it means that the person you have sent the message to cannot use the action. This could be because they do not have the same app or feature that you have used to create the message. The arrow signifies that the action is incomplete. For example, if you send a GIF and the person looks at it but can’t play it, it will show the hollow arrow. The same applies to the words like ‘call,’ ‘video call,’ ‘iMessage,’ ‘SMS,’ ’email,’ ‘send,’ ‘share,’ etc. If you are one among many who are bothered by the hollow arrow on your iPhone, here is how you can get rid of it once and for all. The first step will be to change your keyboard settings and then use the new keyboard setting.


Why do I see a hollow arrow on my iPhone when the person I have sent a message to cannot use the action?

The person you have sent the message to has not activated it. This could be because they do not have the same app or feature that you have used to create the message.

How do I get rid of a hollow arrow on iPhone?

Delete the message with the hollow arrow.

Why do I see a hollow arrow on my iPhone when I swipe to delete a message?

The person you have sent the message to has not activated it. This could be because they do not have the same app or feature that you have used to create the message.

How do I get rid of a hollow arrow on iPhone?

Delete the message with the hollow arrow.

Erik McKenzie
Erik is an expert in technology trends and writes tech tips on blogs. He has a passion for helping people understand new technologies and how they can be used to improve their lives.