How To Change The Time On An Armitron Watch

How To Change The Time On An Armitron Watch

When you buy an Armitron watch, you get it set to the correct time. However, the watch may not keep accurate time for long if you don’t change the time on your Armitron watch regularly. How do you change the time on an Armitron watch? It’s a little different than other watches but not by much. Changing the time on an Armitron watch involves setting both the hour and minute hands to the correct time. Read this article to learn how to change the time on an Armitron watch. Armitron is known for making high-quality, affordable watches. They offer many unique designs and styles of watches with prices that won’t break your budget as some other luxury watches can. If you have an Armitron watch, you may wonder how to change the time on it when necessary and keep it running accurately all year round. You just need to know where and how to find all of that information in order to change the time on your specific model of Armitron watch.

How To Change The Time On An Armitron Watch

Find the Correct Time

The first step to changing the time is figuring out what time it is. To do this, you need to look at your watch and find the correct time. You can find the correct time by using an analog watch or a digital watch. Finding the correct time on a digital watch is easy; all you have to do is look at your screen. But finding the correct time on an analog watch isn’t as simple as looking at a screen. The easiest way to figure out what time it is on an analog watch is by looking at the minutes and seconds hand. This can be done with either a magnifying glass or a small mirror that you place over your watch face so that you can see how many minutes and seconds are left until noon (or midnight).

Set Your Time

Now that you know what time it is, set your Armitron watch to this new setting so that it will be accurate all year round. For most Armitron watches, setting your Armitron watch to this new setting involves turning both hands of your Armitron watch clockwise or counterclockwise until they both read 12 o’clock in their respective positions on the face of your Armitron clock face. Some models of Armitron watches may require that you move one or both hands in order for them to read correctly in their proper positions; however, most models are very easy for anyone to set correctly if you follow these steps.

Check Your Time

Now that your Armitron watch is set to the correct time, check your watch to see if the time is correct. To do this, simply look at both hands of your Armitron clock and see if they both read 12 o’clock in their respective positions on the face of your Armitron clock face. If they don’t, you have not set your watch correctly and need to go back to steps 1 and 2 and repeat the process again. You might also want to try setting your Armitron watch manually by turning both hands counterclockwise or clockwise until they both read 12 o’clock in their respective positions on the face of your Armitron clock face. If you still have problems setting it correctly after trying this, you can contact a professional like a jeweler or watch repair person help set your watch for you.

Test Your Watch

Once you have successfully changed the time on your Armitron watch, test it out by checking it against another time piece or other clocks in order to make sure that it is accurate throughout the year. You can do this by using an analog or digital clock; however, most people find that using an analog clock gives a more accurate reading than using a digital clock because digital clocks tend to be more inaccurate than analog clocks are due to their technology being more advanced than analog watches are.

Keep Your Armitron Watch Clean

Finally, you will want to make sure that you keep your Armitron watch clean. You can do this by wiping the face of your Armitron watch with a soft, clean cloth after every use and then let it dry completely before putting it away. If you wear your Armitron watch for a long period of time, there are special products that you can purchase that will help keep it looking good for longer periods of time than normal.

How To Set The Day On An Armitron Watch

Open the Case

You will want to open the case of your Armitron watch to change the day. To do this, simply open the case of your Armitron watch by pressing down on both sides and pulling out the top portion of it.

Set Your Day

Once you have opened up your Armitron watch, you will need to set your day. To do this, simply turn the crown counterclockwise or clockwise until it is set to read either AM or PM; however, most people find that setting their day with a small amount of time in between each is easier than setting them very far in advance.

Test Your Watch

Once you have set your day, test it by checking it against another time piece or other clocks in order to make sure that it is accurate throughout the year. You can do this by using an analog or digital clock; however, most people find that using an analog clock gives a more accurate reading than using a digital clock because digital clocks tend to be more inaccurate than analog watches are due to their technology being more advanced than analog watches are.

Keep Your Watch Clean

Finally, you will want to make sure that you keep your Armitron watch clean. You can do this by wiping the face of your Armitron watch with a soft, clean cloth after every use and then let it dry completely before putting it away. If you wear your Armitron watch for a long period of time, there are special products that you can purchase that will help keep it looking good for longer periods of time than normal.


There you have it, how to change the time on an Armitron watch. Changing the time on your watch is a simple task that you can do yourself rather than taking it to a watchmaker. Just remember to make sure all of the settings, like the day, month, and date, are correct before you change the time on your watch.


Q: I have an Armitron watch that has no display, how do I know what time it is?

A: Your Armitron watch will either have a digital or analog display. If your watch has no display, you can test it by setting the time to 12:00 and then turning the crown until the hour hand lines up with the 12 o’clock mark on your watch face. If you are using a digital watch, simply set the time to 12:00 and then turn the crown until the hour hand lines up with the 12 o’clock mark on your watch face.

Q: How do I set the date on my Armitron watch?

A: To set your date, simply turn the crown counterclockwise or clockwise until it is set to read either AM or PM.

Q: How do I change the time on my Armitron watch?

A: To change the time on your Armitron watch, simply open the case and then turn the crown counterclockwise or clockwise until it is set to read either AM or PM.

Q: How do I change the date on my Armitron watch?

A: To change the date on your Armitron watch, simply turn the crown counterclockwise or clockwise until it is set to read either AM or PM.

Q: How do I set my Armitron watch to read in 24-hour time?

A: To set your Armitron watch to read in 24-hour time, simply turn the crown counterclockwise or clockwise until it is set to read either AM or PM.

Erik McKenzie
Erik is an expert in technology trends and writes tech tips on blogs. He has a passion for helping people understand new technologies and how they can be used to improve their lives.