Can You Plug An Extension Cord Into A Surge Protector‍

Can You Plug An Extension Cord Into A Surge Protector‍

In an ideal world, we’d all have unending supplies of time, money, and energy. Unfortunately, the real world is much less forgiving. Home maintenance tasks often fall by the wayside until they become glaringly apparent. In case you haven’t heard, home maintenance is a never-ending task. Maintenance is an unfortunate reality for every homeowner. The sooner you recognize this fact and begin tackling your home maintenance tasks, the better off you’ll be in the long run (and short term). Unfortunately, that means there are plenty of things you should not ignore if you want to stay in your home for more than a few years without replacing everything from the roof to appliances.

Can you plug an extension cord into a surge protector‍?

Yes, you can plug an extension cord into a surge protector. The surge protector will prevent damage to the extension cord and other electrical devices plugged into the surge protector.

How do I know if my extension cord fits in a surge protector‍?

  1. Determine the length of the extension cord you are using. This will help determine which surge protector to use.
  2. Measure the surge protector‍’s cord opening and compare it to your extension cord. Extension cords come in different lengths, so it’s important to make sure your extension cord is long enough to fit into the surge protector.
  3. Make sure that your extension cord is not too short or too tall if you are using an extension cord with a power strip (a power strip is a surge protector that can be plugged into an outlet).
  4. Make sure that you do not use a surge protector that is too small. A surge protector that is too small will not protect the electrical device plugged into it.
  5. It’s important to make sure your extension cord fits inside the surge protector’s cord opening. If the extension cord is too long, it will be difficult for you to plug it into the surge protector and may damage other electrical devices plugged into the surge protector (such as your TV or computer).
  6. If you are using a power strip, make sure you measure from side to side of the power strip and not from front to back. The power strip should have an opening on one side of each outlet (front or back). This can help prevent damage to other electrical devices plugged into the same power strip when they are used in close proximity.

Why Should You Care About Home Maintenance?

Can help extend the life of your home

Home Maintenance can help reduce the chances of problems occurring in your home. And also helps to keep your home in good working order.

Can help you save money

If you have a home that is well maintained, it can help you save money on the cost of repairs or replacements in the future.

Can help you be more comfortable

If your home is in good working order, it will be more comfortable and less of a hassle to live in your home.

Can save you money on heating and cooling costs

If your air conditioner or heating system is not working properly, it can cause you to have to pay more money on your utility bills. If you are experiencing problems with one of these systems, try contacting a home maintenance contractor in the area or call 1-800-FIX-IT (1-800-378-4948).

Help keeps your home secure from damage caused by water, fire, and other disasters.

Home Maintenance is important to help keep your home safe from water damage and fire hazards as well as other emergencies that can occur at any time during the year.

How Should You Schedule Your Home Maintenance?

  1. Schedule Home Maintenance every six months or so, if possible (usually recommended). This will allow you to get into a routine of doing regular maintenance tasks on a regular basis, which will make it easier for you to stay on top of things!
  2. Choose a time when you will do all of the Home Maintenance tasks at once (a weekend is a good choice for most people). This allows you to get everything done quickly so that no one has to be left behind with anything that needs attention! If possible, try to include everyone who lives in your family when scheduling home maintenance tasks so everyone can work together as a team!  For example Monday: HVAC check-up / Carpet cleaning / Minor repairs on house / Paint job Tuesday: HVAC check-up / Roof cleaning / Minor repairs on house / Paint job Wednesday: HVAC check-up / Minor repairs on house / Paint job Thursday: HVAC check-up / Minor repairs on house / Paint job Friday: HVAC check-up / Carpet Cleaning
  3. For the tasks that you do not want to do, create a list of who will do them and when you will do them. If possible, include the person or persons who are doing the task in your list so that you don’t forget to ask them about it!
  4. You may want to include some of these ideas for home maintenance in your schedule when you are scheduling your next home maintenance task.  These ideas can help make your next home maintenance project a little easier to manage.

How Can You Start Home Improvement Projects?

  1. Plan out what you want to do and have all the materials ready before starting the project (this is especially important with large projects). This will save time and money and make the project more enjoyable for you! If you are new to house maintenance, consider starting small with simple projects like changing light bulbs or repairing a leaky faucet handle before tackling more complex projects like replacing your roof or making major renovations to your kitchen cabinets). Also remember that if you are looking for something specific in a store, it might be easier to find it there than at another store that does not carry that item (such as a power drill when looking for one at Walmart vs Lowe’s).
  2. Start small with simple tasks first like replacing light bulbs or repairing leaky faucet handles before tackling more complex projects like replacing your roof or making major renovations to your kitchen cabinets).
  3. If you want to do a big project, take steps as soon as you start the project and keep track of any problems that occur (this will help you avoid costly mistakes later on and save money on materials).
  4. Be sure to get permission from your landlord before starting any home improvement projects (in most states this is required by law or at the least is a good practice). Also, be sure to keep all receipts for materials purchased for the project so that you can get reimbursed if necessary. If you are not sure whether your landlord has given permission, ask them directly in person.
  5. Before starting a home improvement project, make sure that you have everything ready: all tools, supplies, extra parts, and equipment needed for the job (the more things that are ready beforehand, the less time and money it will take to complete the job).  Be sure to check out our article on what tools should be in every home maintenance toolbox.

How To Tell If Something Is Wrong In Your Home

  1. Check the outside of your home first, especially during the winter season. This can help catch some problems before they get worse (for example, cracks in your foundation).
  2. Check to see if your home is heating or cooling properly (for example, is the thermostat set correctly? Is it too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter?).
  3. Check all light switches and electrical outlets to make sure they are working properly (this will let you know if something is wrong with them).
  4. Check all faucets for leaks and make sure that there are no drips from them (this will let you know if something is wrong with them).  Also, check for signs of rust around water pipes or leaks under sinks or near faucets (this will let you know if something is wrong with them).
  5. Before walking on any carpeted flooring, hold an iron over it for a few minutes to check for signs of wear and tear or stains (this will let you know if something is wrong with it).  Also, check to see if there are any holes in your carpeting.


Home maintenance is a necessary evil. It seems like you can never get ahead of the game, but you can at least try to stay on top of it. It may be overwhelming, but it’s important to remember that you can’t do everything at once. When you start to feel overwhelmed, take a step back and focus on one project at a time. In an ideal world, we’d all have unending supplies of time, money, and energy. Unfortunately, the real world is much less.

Erik McKenzie
Erik is an expert in technology trends and writes tech tips on blogs. He has a passion for helping people understand new technologies and how they can be used to improve their lives.